another version of unshar

Jeff Glass jjg at security.UUCP
Sat Aug 24 00:30:07 AEST 1985

this version of unshar is somewhat smarter, in that it looks for
a line that begins with one of the comment characters ( "#" and ":" )
or a "cut here" line.

---------- cut here ----------
#! /bin/sh
sed -e "/^#/b copy" -e "/^:/b copy" -e "/^--*[ 	]*[Cc][Uu][Tt]/b comment" \
-e d -e :comment -e "s/^./#/" -e :copy -e n -e "b copy" ${1-} | /bin/sh
  security!jjg at mitre-bedford.ARPA				(MIL)
 {allegra,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!security!jjg	(UUCP)

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