Variable Numbers of Args to Functions in ANSI C.

Jeff Kellem composer at bu-cs.BU.EDU
Mon May 1 23:05:24 AEST 1989

In article <13024 at> sklein at (Steve Klein) writes:
>If I forward-declare the function:
>	int func(a, b, ...);
>Then how do I define and call 'func'?
>I tried:
>    	#include <varargs.h>
>    	int func(a, b, va_alist);
>    	int a, b;
>    	va_dcl
>    	{
>    	    ...
>    	}
>but GNU CC says 'number of args doesn't match prototype'.

GCC is correct with this.  For one, <varargs.h> is not (as far as I know)
part of the ANSI standard.  What you want to use is <stdarg.h>.

So, basically what you want in ANSI C for the above is something like the

	#include <stdarg.h>

	int func(int, int, ...);


	int func(int a, int b, ...)
	   va_list arg_pointer;
	   int foo;
	/* Then in here, call va_start(arg_pointer, b); */
	/*   to initialize the argument pointer to the optional */
	/*   parameter list. */

	   va_start(arg_pointer, b);

	/* Successive calls to va_arg will get the remaining args. */

	   foo = va_arg(arg_pointer, int);

	/* Then, finally call va_end to reset everything back to normal. */

Hope this helps ... Enjoy ...


Jeff Kellem
INTERNET: composer at  (or at
UUCP: ...!harvard!bu-cs!composer

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