tmpfile Question

Bjoern Kriews bjoern at
Mon Mar 25 02:25:04 AEST 1991

Hello Netland !

I've a question about tmpfile().
My 'Mark Williams lexical guide to ANSI C' states (referring to

"tmpfile creates a file to hold data temporarily.
The file is opened in binary update mode (wb+) and 
is removed automatically when it is closed or the 
program ends."

My question is: 
May a conforming program call tmpfile() more than once ?
The MW Book doesn't say anything about it and my clib
always creates the same file (brain-damaged at all). 
I would like to have a definitive statement before 
I go and complain to my vendor.

bjoern at = Bjoern Kriews / Stormsweg 6 / 2000 Hamburg 76 / FRG

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