6300+ question

bsteve at gorgo.UUCP bsteve at gorgo.UUCP
Mon Nov 10 04:01:00 AEST 1986

>     I've been considering purchasing a 6300+, and I would like it to run UNIX.> The dealer I talked to told me that to do this I have to buy UNIX and
> Simul-Task(eg two separate programs).  Yet when I talk to AT&T, they tell
> me that they    market the two as one item for $399.  Can someone clarify
> this apparent discrep-ancy?

Sorry, but your dealer is wrong. SimulTask is sold as a unit. It includes
the necessary software for merging MS-DOS 3.x with System V release 2 AND
UNIX System V release 2 itself. The UNIX development software (i.e. nroff,
C compiler and such) is unbundled from the package, since most people with
only a 20 MB drive won't have much room for all of that. To install SimulTask
you must first have a copy of MS-DOS version 3.x for your machine.

>     Furthermore, is there any word on whether sys V v.3 will be out for the
> plus in the near future?

I can't say how near in the future, but it is planned.

	Steve Blasingame (Oklahoma City)
	bsteve at eris.berkeley.edu

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