3b1 kermit 4E (072) fix (Well... a workaround really)

Augustine Cano canoaf at ntvax.UUCP
Fri Mar 17 08:37:17 AEST 1989

Hello everyone:

Like a few others I've been reading about lately, I've had problems with
the above version of kermit since day one.  Specifically, the problems were
as follows:

1 - The UUCP-like script that worked on the previous version I was using
    before didn't anymore.
2 - On termination, the "working" icon would appear and I couldn't get back
    to the shell without the help of a ^C.

The solution: (hint on where to look for those who want to get into the code
and really fix it, I don't have the time now)

On startup, tell kermit LOG TRANSACTION as the first command or start your
take file with this command (this is what I do).  This simple work-around
fixes problem 1 all the time and problem 2 if you just CONNECT.  The one
situation I've found that still hangs exiting is transfering files with the
remote kermit in server mode.

Someone posted recently a fix to the exit problem that consisted in modifying
the inittab file...  This is a kermit problem, why adapt the OS to a buggy
program?  My suspicion is that some code related to the script function is
stepping on something else.

Well, I hope this helped someone out there...

Augustine Cano		canoaf at dept.csci.unt.edu

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