Anyone running cnews on a 3b1? (inews problem)

Augustine Cano canoaf at ntvax.uucp
Thu Jan 11 13:31:27 AEST 1990

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to install cnews (up to the latest patchlevel) on my 3b1.  I
finally got all the options right and compiled it with gcc.  When I try
to post to the local test group, inews tells me that the group being
posted to "matches no groups in /usr/lib/news/active".  It seems that
the egrep is failing, but when doing "sh -x inews -h < article", I don't
get that message, the article never gets posted, though.  I have also
extracted the 4 lines that contain the egrep and, when executing them
separately, it indeed finds the group in the active file.

I'm sure someone has encountered this problem before.  Please help!

Thanks in advance.

Augustine Cano		canoaf at

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