I-node limit on 3B2 with System V R3.2.2

DoN Nichols dnichols at ceilidh.beartrack.com
Fri Feb 8 03:47:59 AEST 1991

In article <1844 at devildog.att.com> jrallen at devildog.att.com (Jon Allen) writes:
>In article <768 at skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov> hellwig at skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov (Oliver Hellwig ) writes:
>>I'm running System V R 3.2.2 on a 3B2/600G machine, and it seems that there
>>is a limit of 64K i-nodes for a file system.  If this is true, then this
>>would be a very serious failing, especially for someone like me who
>Yep, I have the very same problem.  This seems to be a MAJOR limitation to
>running news on a 3B2.  I have plenty of disk space, but hit the 64K inode
>limit.  The only alternative I know (besides using something else) is to
>hack up news to allow multple file systems under /usr/spool/news.  Mods like
>this have been/or are availble, but I have not used them.

	If you have an extra filesystem to use, just stop news from running,
use du to identify some branch at the first level below /usr/spool/news
which has a large chunk of news volume (Ideal would be about 50%, but
whatever you can find under a single subtree), use cpio or tar to move its
contents to the spare filesystem, rm -rf that filetree on the original
filesystem, mkdir the top point of the subtree, and mount the new partition
on that point.  Remember to modify your boot-up scripts (/etc/rc and
whatever else it invokes on your system) so the new partition gets remounted
every time you boot, and to make sure that fsck gives the filesystem its
blessing (/etc/checklist).  At this point, you now have a fresh 64k inodes
for the aprox half of the news to live in.

	If your 3b2 is like my 3b1, df(1), mount(1), and some other things
may truncate the name of the mount point in reports, but if you KNOW where
things are, I think that everything will be allright. (My /usr/spool/news
gets reported as /usr/spool :-) (No - I'm not getting a full newsfeed -
thank God.)

	Also - be sure to mount filesystems in the right order!  If
/usr/spool is mounted on /usr, be sure to mount it BEFORE trying to mount

	Good luck - and remember that this hasn't been tried on a 3b2 by ME,
since I dont have one.

Donald Nichols (DoN.)		| Voice (Days):	(703) 664-1585
D&D Data			| Voice (Eves):	(703) 938-4564
Disclaimer: from here - None	| Email:     <dnichols at ceilidh.beartrack.com>
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