3b1 BOF in Dallas?

David H. Brierley dave at galaxia.Newport.RI.US
Wed Jan 9 12:40:27 AEST 1991

I called the USENIX conference office this morning and scheduled a BOF for
Thursday evening at 8pm (after the USENIX reception).  It's not completely
official yet because I have to get clearance from the "USENIX BOF
coordinator".  Apparently this is something new they have started to make
sure that BOFs are not in fact marketing pitches.  I was told that I just
missed the deadline for having the BOF listed in the pre-printed handouts
but it will be listed on the BOF schedule board in the conference
registration area.  I told them I was expecting around 40 people so make
sure you all show up or else you'll make me look like a liar.

Now, I need everyone who is working on anything that is even remotely
interesting to volunteer to tell us all about it.  I am not expecting
anything elaborate, a simple 5 minute talk explaining what you are doing,
maybe a few diagrams and maybe a simple handout.  If you want to do a
handout, please make copies or send me the source files and I will make
copies.  I can handle troff, ascii, cheap-draw, paint-power, and postscript.

If there is something that you have a burning desire to learn about let
me know what it is and I will attempt to locate someone who can talk
about it.

Is there anyone in the area that is willing to bring in a machine so that
we can set up some kind of software exchange?  USENIX usually has a room
set up with a few machines in it for the purpose of copying GNU software
and other stuff so maybe we could set the machine up there or if you are
paranoid about the machine we can just have it set up in the back of the
room during the BOF.  If we have a machine available maybe we could do a
live demonstration of how to open it up.

The following topics have already been suggested as possible topics for
the BOF.  If you would like to talk about one or more of them, you will
be heartily welcomed.  If you can convince someone else to talk about
one or more of them, you will both be heartily welcomed.  If you would like
to talk about something that is not already on my list, you will be
heartily welcomed.  And, last but not least, if you just want to come and
hear what other people have to say, you will be heartily welcomed.

List of potential topics:
  - ICUS upgrade, especially variations (on-board, etc)
  - Milton upgrade
  - SCSI project
  - Mondo Combo Board
  - S/W that exists within ATT but is not available to us
  - what is *really* on 3.51m (beyond what the release notes say)
  - the future of the machine
  - setting up a UUCP connection
  - MINIX port (?? !!)
  - mgr applications
  - hardware hacks in progress

This list is by no means complete and I strongly urge people to come with
other ideas (and hopefully come up with people to talk about them).

As a further comment on the last item, if you have something you have
been tinkering with, or even something you have just been thinking about,
please share it with us.  Maybe we can give you some ideas, some insight,
and maybe even some assistance!

One last thing:  I would appreciate it if everyone who is considering coming
to the BOF would send me mail before 1/18/91 so that I will know if my
estimate of 40 people is way off base and we either need a bigger room or if
we should just move the whole thing to my hotel room.
David H. Brierley
Home: dave at galaxia.Newport.RI.US    Work: dhb at quahog.ssd.ray.com
Can I be excused, my brain is full.

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