Hard Disk formatting error on UNIXPC

David B. Thomas dt at yenta.alb.nm.us
Tue Jan 15 04:47:12 AEST 1991

todd at ivucsb.sba.ca.us (Todd Day) writes:

>My dad recenctly had to reformat his hard drive after
>it crashed.  When he tried, he got the following error:

>Winchester: Error during disk format: Response = 4

You are seeing the (hex) contents of the error register of the
disk controller chip:

Bit 7:	Bad Block Detect
Bit 6:	CRC Error
Bit 5:	Not used
Bit 4:	ID not found
Bit 3:	Not used
Bit 2:	Aborted command
Bit 1:	Track zero error
Bit 0:	Data address mark not found

So response = 4 means Aborted command, and response = 10 would
mean ID not found.

						little david
Computer interfaces and user interfaces are as different as night and 1.

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