tn3270 on Pyramid 9810?

karl_kleinpaste at karl_kleinpaste at
Sat Sep 29 00:23:18 AEST 1990

car at trux.uucp writes:
   I'd like to know how well tn3270 would work with this configuration.
   - Does it compile and install OK?
   - Does it work with TCP/IP?
   - Will it handle around 20 tn3270 users and multiple concurent FTP's?

If this screenful is any indication, tn3270 v4.1.1 works just fine
under 4.4c, and I see no reason to expect tn3270 to be much more
resource-intensive than ordinary telnet.

|                         OOOOO      SSSSSS     UU     UU
|                        OOOOOOO    SSSSSSSS    UU     UU
|                       OO     OO   SS     SS   UU     UU
|                       OO     OO   SS          UU     UU
|                       OO     OO    SSSSSSSS   UU     UU
|                    II OO   RROO    RR  CCSS   UUC  CCUU    CC
|                    II  OOOOOOO    SSSSSSSSS   UUUUUUUUU
|                    II   OOOOO      SSSSSSS     UUUUUUU
|                    II      RRRRRRRRR   CC          CC
|                    II      RRRRRRRR    CC          CC
|                    II      RR   RR     CC      CC  CC      CC
|                IIIIIIIIII  RR    RR    CCCCCCCCC    CCCCCCCC
|                IIIIIIIIII  RR     RR    CCCCCCC      CCCCCC
|  Fill in your USERID and PASSWORD and press ENTER
|  (Your password will not appear when you type it)
|  USERID   ===>
|  PASSWORD ===>
|  COMMAND  ===>
|                                                             RUNNING   OHSTVMA

The only unusual aspect of building it was to include
LINT_ARGS=-DNOT43 to prevent a ddef error on __putchar().

| [165] [9:57am] giza:/n/pun/1/src/public/tn3270> ls
| ./              ANNOUNCE        curses/         telnet/         transcom/
| ../             README          etc/            tn3270/
| [166] [9:57am] giza:/n/pun/1/src/public/tn3270> cd tn3270
| [167] [9:57am] giza:/n/pun/1/src/public/tn3270/tn3270> ls
| ./              ascii/          makefile.orig   sys_dos/        utilities/
| ../             ctlr/           makefile_4.2    telextrn.h
| README          general/        map3270.5       telnet/
| api/            makefile        mset.1          tn3270.1
| arpa/           makefile.mak    sys_curses/     tools/
| [168] [9:57am] giza:/n/pun/1/src/public/tn3270/tn3270> make LINT_ARGS=-DNOT43
| for i in api ascii ctlr general sys_curses telnet;  do (cd $i; make  "CFLAGS= -I. -I.. -DNOT43"); done
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c apilib.c
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c api_bsd.c
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c api_exch.c
| (cd ../tools; make mkastosc )
| cc -g -I.  -c mkastosc.c
| cc -g -I.  -c dohits.c
| (cd ../api; make asc_ebc.o)
| cc -g -c asc_ebc.c
| (cd ../api; make ebc_disp.o)
| cc -g -c ebc_disp.c
| cc -g -I.  -o mkastosc mkastosc.o dohits.o  ../api/asc_ebc.o ../api/ebc_disp.o
| rm -f astosc.out
| ../tools/mkastosc < ../ctlr/unix.kbd > astosc.out
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c astosc.c
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c dctype.c
| (cd ../tools; make mkastods )
| cc -g -I.  -c mkastods.c
| cc -g -I.  -o mkastods mkastods.o ../api/asc_ebc.o  ../api/ebc_disp.o
| rm -f asc_disp.out
| ../tools/mkastods > asc_disp.out
| (cd ../tools; make mkdstoas )
| cc -g -I.  -c mkdstoas.c
| cc -g -I.  -o mkdstoas mkdstoas.o ../api/asc_ebc.o  ../api/ebc_disp.o
| rm -f disp_asc.out
| ../tools/mkdstoas > disp_asc.out
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c disp_asc.c
| rm -f apilib.a
| for i in apilib.o api_bsd.o api_exch.o astosc.o asc_ebc.o dctype.o  disp_asc.o ebc_disp.o; do (ar cr apilib.a  $i); done
| ranlib apilib.a
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c map3270.c
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c termin.c
| rm -f asciilib.a
| for i in map3270.o termin.o; do (ar cr asciilib.a  $i); done
| ranlib asciilib.a
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c api.c
| (cd ../tools; make mkhits )
| cc -g -I.  -c mkhits.c
| cc -g -I.  -o mkhits mkhits.o dohits.o ../api/asc_ebc.o  ../api/ebc_disp.o
| rm -f kbd.out TMPfunc.out
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -E function.c > TMPfunc.out
| ../tools/mkhits - ../ctlr/TMPfunc.out < unix.kbd > kbd.out
| rm -f TMPfunc.out
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c inbound.c
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c oia.c
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c options.c
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c outbound.c
| rm -f ctlrlib.a
| for i in api.o inbound.o oia.o options.o outbound.o; do (ar cr ctlrlib.a  $i); done
| ranlib ctlrlib.a
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c globals.c
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c genbsubs.c
| rm -f generallib.a
| for i in globals.o genbsubs.o; do (ar cr generallib.a  $i); done
| ranlib generallib.a
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c system.c
| cc -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c termout.c
| rm -f syslib.a
| for i in system.o termout.o; do (ar cr syslib.a  $i); done
| ranlib syslib.a
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/commands.c
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/main.c
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/network.c
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/ring.c
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/sys_bsd.c
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/sys_dos.c
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/telnet.c
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/terminal.c
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/tn3270.c
| cc -c -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -I../../telnet/Source -DTN3270 ../../telnet/Source/utilities.c
| ld -r -o telprog.o commands.o main.o network.o ring.o sys_bsd.o sys_dos.o  telnet.o terminal.o tn3270.o utilities.o
| cc  -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -o tn3270 telnet/telprog.o   sys_curses/syslib.a ctlr/ctlrlib.a  ascii/asciilib.a general/generallib.a api/apilib.a -lcurses -ltermlib
| cc  -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -c ascii/mset.c
| cc  -I. -I.. -DNOT43 -o mset mset.o ascii/map3270.o  api/apilib.a
| 49.9u 30.4s 4:07 32% 60+124k 749+899io 499pf+0w
| [169] [10:02am] giza:/n/pun/1/src/public/tn3270/tn3270> ./tn3270
| Trying...
| Connected to
| SetSockOpt: Invalid argument
| Unable to open file /usr/local/lib/map3270
| Unable to open file /usr/local/lib/map3270
| Using default key mappings.
[xterm alternate screen invoked here]
| [170] [10:02am] giza:/n/pun/1/src/public/tn3270/tn3270> 

I hadn't installed the map3270 file (in the original source, it's
/etc/map3270, but we don't put that sort of thing in /etc); and I
don't know what the problem is with the SetSockOpt, but it works OK.


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