Problem with AME?

Gary Tarolli tarolli at dragon.SGI.COM
Fri Feb 10 00:49:12 AEST 1989

In article <2558 at eos.UUCP>, timelord at eos (G. Murdock Helms) writes:
> I'm using AME (A Mouse Editor) for working on my programs these days,
> and I've noticed a little problem.  If I hit the '1' key, I get two 1s
> instead of just one ('11').  This happens regardless of how lightly I 
> touch the key.  The same problem was also observed on one of SGI's 4Ds
> in their graphics class last week, and was also noticed by someone working
> on another machine, type unknown.  Three machines, same problem.  Anyone
> else have this problem?  Is this hardware or software, or just clumsy
> typists?
> -Murdock

I remember something about a change in the way the device queue functions:
if you queue both the keyboard device and the individual key, you will now
get 2 events in the queue.  This sounds like it could be causing the
problem you described.

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