How to do non-blocking keyboard input

Bruno Pape root at sgzh.uucp
Fri Jun 15 19:50:38 AEST 1990

In article <14670 at> taylorr at (Russell Taylor) writes:
>	I want to do non-blocking keyboard I/O in a program.  Basically, the
>routine will read a character from the keyboard if there is one and return
>NULL if there is not.  This is done in a tight loop with reads and writes
>to other devices.  How to I get a character from the keyboard if there is
>one and a NULL if there is not?
>	Thanks,
>	Russell Taylor
>	taylorr at

This will do what you want.  It is short and simple, but maybe not so portable.

I know there are others that prefer select over ioctl, and we know who each
other are, but you can choose the method best suited to your own needs.

Have Fun,


----------------------- begin program --------------------------------------
#include <sys/termio.h>

	struct	termio	kbd, kbd_save;
	char	buff;

	if ( ioctl( 0, TCGETA, &kbd_save ) < 0 ) perror( "ioctl" );

	if ( ioctl( 0, TCGETA, &kbd ) < 0 ) perror( "ioctl" );

	kbd.c_lflag = kbd.c_cc[VTIME] = kbd.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;

	if ( ioctl( 0, TCSETA, &kbd ) < 0 ) perror( "ioctl" );

	while ( read ( 0, &buff, 1 ) == 0 ) printf( "looping\n" );

	printf("received %c\n", buff );

	if ( ioctl( 0, TCSETA, &kbd_save ) < 0 ) perror( "ioctl" );
------------------------ end program ---------------------------------------

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