ALGORITHM References Wanted: tri mesh clipping

James Helman jim at baroque.Stanford.EDU
Mon Oct 15 10:24:52 AEST 1990

I'm looking for algorithms for clipping triangular meshes "on the fly"
against several "arbitrary" clipping planes.

	triangular mesh: A sequence of vertices where each vertex and
			 the previous two define a new triangle

	"on the fly": 	While drawing.  Retaining minimal information
			about what has already been drawn.  Requiring
			no information about subsequent vertices to
			draw the clipped triangle corresponding to the
			current vertex.

  A) INDEPENDENT TRIANGLE CLIPPING: Recursively clipping and
  subdividing independent triangles is straightforward and can be done
  on the fly.  This could be used by reverting to triangles when
  clipped, but I'd rather stay with a mesh.

  B) SINGLE CLIPPING: Clipping an entire triangular mesh against one
  clipping plane can be done with a simple algorithm.  But I don't
  want to be making multiple passes and storing intermediate meshes.

  C) DIRECTLY CLIPPING THE MESH ON THE FLY: I'm looking for algorithms
  analogous to (A) for triangular meshes.  It's a simple question, if
  you don't think about it too much.  So it should have a simple
  answer ;-).

  I figured out a reasonably clean algorithm which does (C).  But it
  is not optimal, at least not in triangle count.  I'm looking for a
  better way, i.e. one which generates fewer triangles and/or needs
  less retained history and/or is more elegant.

I don't have references on any of these topics.  (A) should be dusty
history.  And I'm sure (B) and (C) are covered somewhere.  I'd
appreciate references on *any* of them, but especially on (C).

Some graphics hardware (e.g. SGI's VGX) handles multiple clipping
planes.  (If we had one, I wouldn't be asking these questions!)  Does
anyone know how SGI does it?


Jim Helman
Department of Applied Physics			Durand 012
Stanford University				FAX: (415) 725-3377
(jim at 			Work: (415) 723-9127

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