How to print the screen

Michael Hart hart at
Tue Apr 2 06:17:23 AEST 1991

Someone asked me a question today.  Not wanting to expose the
level of my ignorance, I said I'd get back to 'em.  Soo, here
I am :-)

How does on print/dump the screen, in b&w, without having either
a screen printer, or a color printer?  They want to have the
screen graphics show up in black and white.  Mostly, this will
be just windows and pop up menus, no really detailed modeled 
graphics or tiny objects.

Is this possible using some combination of ipaste/snapshot/icut
whatever?  Can it be dumped to your garden variety laser printer,
like an Apple LaserWriter IINTX, or a Kyosera?

thanx for your help

Michael G. Hart   hart at /  mhart at
Computer Specialist, 15 years of computer & mgmt experience looking for
a job.  Reply NOW if you have openings in DP management.

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