Where does pandora get its gamma factor?

Mark V. Meuer meuer at cs.umn.edu
Wed Apr 17 02:05:59 AEST 1991

We just started adding people's pictures in place of the generic
user icons in the visual login and ran into a slight problem.  On a
couple of machines the images are too dim.  It looks like the gamma
factor for the screen is too low.

I know how to set the gamma factor when I'm logged in, but I was
wondering if there is a way to set it for pandora.  Any suggestions?

Mark Meuer   <><   |  The Geometry Center  |  meuer at geom.umn.edu
Observing the first baloon ascent in Paris, [Ben] Franklin heard a scoffer
ask, "What good is it?"  He spoke for a generation of scientists in
his retort, "What good is a newly born infant?"  -- John F. Kasson

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