3/50 loses time when it reboots

Albert L. Donaldson al at grebyn.com
Thu Dec 22 18:14:22 AEST 1988

I've just purchased a used Sun 3/50M, and I'm unable to get the system to
re-boot without forgetting the current date.  The clock (i.e., hh:mm)
seems to be pretty close, but the date loses anywhere from 25 days to a

I've replaced the battery on the CPU board (twice), and even swapped out
the CPU board last night (for an unrelated problem).  As I remember, I'm
got ROM rev 2.6 on the current CPU board.  The kernel was built from the
standard standalone prototype (SDST50?), with a change to the entry for
zs0 to allow it to handle dial-in and dial-out on the serial port.
Otherwise, nothing special.

Is this a known problem with a known solution, or should I keep running
down to Radio Shack til I find a battery that works? :-)

Al Donaldson
al at grebyn.com

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