SunView again and again

Barry A. Warsaw warsaw at
Mon Dec 12 15:35:08 AEST 1988

>A few weeks back I posted a mail asking for help in using Sunview with
>CGI, CORE, PHIGS... I received a few replys on using plain pr_rops alone
>and on using CORE....I must be very dumb 'cause I have read the CGI and
>CORE manuals and couldn't find out how to do just that.  Is anyone
>listening? Or am I the odd ball out?...How on earth was FRAMEMAKER written
>in the first place?  With SunView?

I have not been able to link SunCore with SunView.  I've talked to various
people at Sun and while they seem to imply that it can be done, they make
a point of letting me know that it is not very easy to do.  Often when I
mentioned I was using SunCore, I got laughs on the other end.  The general
suggestion is to buy (at a hefty price) SunPHIGS, which I am doing.
SunPHIGS is supposed to be very cleanly interfaced to SunView and is
supposed to work even with this mythical Sun merged window system
(SunView/X/NeWS).  BTW, does anyone have any information on what this
merged window system will be like or when it will be available?

I have had better luck with getting SunCGI calls to work in a canvas.
This is fairly easy to do but the documentation is scarce and you sort of
have to do things in the right order.  Appendix F of the SunCGI manual
describes the cgipw_* calls which are used to make CGI draw into a pixwin
(and thus into a canvas).  For example, if you normally call "fill_color"
you'd call "cgipw_fill_color" instead.  This may take a little
experimentation to get working; I may be able to dig up some example code
if you're interested. 

Lastly, no FRAMEMAKER doesn't use the high level SunView calls.  Frame
Technology pretty much wrote their own user interface.  I've asked them
about the possibility of getting source to their interface, but they
decline.  I can't say that I really blame them, though.


NAME: Barry A. Warsaw                USMAIL: National Institute of Standards
TELE: (301) 975-3460                         and Technology (formerly NBS)
UUCP: {...}!uunet!cme-durer!warsaw           Rm. B-124, Bldg. 220
ARPA: warsaw at                     Gaithersburg, MD 20899
  or: warsaw at

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