Poor 800-number response

Marty Lyons lecgwy!lyons at rutgers.edu
Tue Nov 29 23:15:47 AEST 1988

Thought you folks at Sun should know (are you listening?) that because the
response of your 800 service number is so horrendous, I am now
recommending Apollo workstations.  Typically, it has taken between 4 and 7
days to get any type of answer, sometimes to just be called back.  This is
absurd considering I can get help within an hour from virtually any other

Sun is at our site at the moment, giving a sales presentation.  They are
more concerned with selling more hardware than helping us fix our current
problems.  It seems Sun should get their priorities straight, and remember
who the customer is.  It's beginning to look like Sun is taking IBM's
attitude of "We're the best, so what we say goes."

I know other sites have similar complaints.  The question is, are you
listening Sun ?

Marty Lyons, Lockheed Electronics Company, 1501 U.S. Highway 22,          
CS #1, M/S 147, Plainfield, N.J. 07061-1501 (201) 757-1600 x3156           

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