Handshaking problems (Sun 3/50 <-> Micom Box)

Frank Fischer isaak!fischer at uunet.uu.net
Sat Jul 15 01:43:59 AEST 1989

		      H E L P
		      = = = =

I want to connect a Sun 3/50 running SunOS 4.0.1 to a Micom PAD for dial
in and dial out on the same serial line.

The kernel is configured for hardware-handshake and modem-control and
we've installed the yapt 5.4 from sun.

There seems to be no configuration to match the handshaking between the
PAD and the Sun.

The only reasonable configuration for the PAD seems to be:

    -extended EIA controls  (call option)
    -dedicated  (channel option)

... but there is still a problem: the PAD raises DTR and RTS (would be ok)
    but also DCD without receiving a call.
    Result: -the getty thinks someone wants to log in ( DCD active)
	     and blocks the port.
	    -the PAD thinks someone wants to call out and doesn't accept
	     an incoming call.

Any suggestions to solve that problem ?

Thanks in advance.

ISA GmbH  -  Informationssysteme fuer computerintegrierte Automatisierung
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