Increasing Swap on a SUN 3 running 3.5

Mike Clarkson mike at
Mon Nov 6 15:10:36 AEST 1989

In article <2617 at> amc-vlsi!ryan at writes:
>X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 8, Issue 179, message 4 of 14
>I've never been able to force SunOS 3.5 to recognize a swap entry in the
>fstab.  The quick and dirty fix would be to add a line in /etc/rc.local to
>start swapping on the extra disk:
>    /usr/etc/swapon /dev/sd2b                   > /dev/console

The trick is that the /etc/fstab entry must have all fields filled in,
even if they are meaningless.  So a typical fstab entry is

	/dev/sd1b swap swap 0 0 0

Then the normal swapon -a in /etc/rc will work, assuming you config'd your
kernel for it.  And remember, no blank lines in fstab.

BTW, I noticed a very large improvement in the total disk throughput on a
SCSI based system using 2 swap partitions.  iostat said I was swapping on
a 3/60 at a max of 440 k/s, instead of about 250 for a single disk.  If
you have any Lisp users on your system, you should consider it anyway.  Or
Gnu Emacs (Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping :-).


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