Disabling BREAK key on SPARCstation console

Bob Whitehouse bobw at gapos.bt.co.uk
Sun Dec 9 09:07:00 AEST 1990

HELP - I have a *very* naive (and large) user who is likely to do silly
things like pressing BREAK on a SPARCstation 1+ console. 

(N.B. I am using standard ANSI terminal (Vt100 compatible) connected to
ttya as /dev/console).

This has nasty effect of dropping system (no sync) straight into monitor.
At this point, my user will be in blind panic.  5 minutes later, my users
panic will have turned to raging fits and he will be coming through my
door (without opening) to see me

As my user is about 3 feet and 10 stones bigger than me, I would
appreciate any advice on how I can disable this "feature".

Bob Whitehouse
B.T. Customer Systems
(44) 0394 693574

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