"Bad Block" on Sun-3/50 (SunOS 4.1)

Kevin Cosgrove cosgrok at nyssa.cs.orst.edu
Sun Dec 9 09:07:00 AEST 1990

I don't have all the specifics since my Sun-3/50 is presently 90 miles
from here, but I got a call from the keeper of my Sun.  She said that my
Sun was spewing "Bad Block" messagess when she got home.  Eventually,
after a power cycling, the system repeated "bad block 96... run fsck".
'fsck' reported a bad block 96 and asked if to continue, the answer was
yes.  After this bad blocks were found all over the place, 103, 104, 105,
etc.... after which 'fsck' terminated with an error "filesystem not
mounted" and produced a "#" prompt.

I'm guessing that I need to reformat.  Can anyone confirm (or deny) this
suspicion of mine?  Are there any ways short of reformatting (if that will
even work) to correct errors of this type.

Kevin Cosgrove <cosgrok at jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU>

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