4.1.1 and the SunView mouse pointer

Alfred Rizzi al at ghostwheel.eng.yale.edu
Thu Dec 13 08:12:40 AEST 1990

In article <775 at brchh104.bnr.ca> unocal!stssram at sunkist.west.sun.com (Bob Myers) writes:

   We've just started upgrading to 4.1.1, and most things seem to work great.
   However, the SunView mouse pointer (the arrow) doesn't go away when we
   exit SunView. It stays on the screen until we enter SunView again. This
   isn't too bad on the console, but it's very annoying when we start up MIT
   X Windows (X11R4).  We haven't tried OpenWindows 2.0 yet.

I've experienced the same problem both with SunView and OpenWindows 2.0
immediately after installing the GFX patch from sun.  It appears that both
of these programs take "advantage" of the hardware cursor support
avaliable with the GX board, but fail to turn the cursor off when they
exit.  The following bit of code will turn the cursor off.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioccom.h>
#include <sun/fbio.h>

  int fd;
  struct fbcursor curs ;

  curs.set = FB_CUR_SETCUR;
  curs.enable = 0;

  fd = open("/dev/fb", O_RDWR);

  ioctl(fd, FBIOSCURSOR, &curs);


Alfred A. Rizzi 	       al at corwin.eng.yale.edu     ph: (203) 432-4239  
Yale Robotics Laboratory	                          fx: (203) 432-7481 
Department of Electrical Engineering, 1968 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520

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