4.1.1 and the SunView mouse pointer

Bob Myers unocal!stssram at sunkist.west.sun.com
Wed Dec 12 06:17:46 AEST 1990

We've just started upgrading to 4.1.1, and most things seem to work great.
However, the SunView mouse pointer (the arrow) doesn't go away when we
exit SunView. It stays on the screen until we enter SunView again. This
isn't too bad on the console, but it's very annoying when we start up MIT
X Windows (X11R4).  We haven't tried OpenWindows 2.0 yet.

Any ideas on how to get rid of that silly arrow?

Bob Myers
Unocal Science & Technology Division                 myers at unocal.com
Brea, California               myers%unocal.uucp at sunkist.west.sun.com (faster)

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