Don't end fstab paths with '/'

Webster Dove rocket!dove at
Tue Jul 24 01:01:23 AEST 1990

I just learned that rexd won't recognize a mount path ending with a '/'.
If you run an 'on' command between two clients and the remote rexd doesn't
recognize them as having the same mounted filesystem then it automounts
the filesystem you are in on the source machine (wasting time).

The symptom is that 'on host /etc/mount' always shows a filesystem mounted
to /tmp_rex/xxxx.

By removing the trailing '/'s in the fstabs I prevented the automounts and
substantially sped up 'on' cmds.

Dr. Webster Dove				Dr. Webster Dove
Experimental Computing Systems ('X')		Lockheed Sanders Inc.  
Signal Processing Center of Technology		144 Daniel Webster Hwy.
Lockheed Sanders Inc.				Merrimack, NH.  03054  

	(or ) at rocket.uucp

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