Sun's CD-ROM

Kerien Fitzpatrick fitz at
Thu May 31 09:58:56 AEST 1990

I have a few questions about Sun's CD-ROM.  Maybe some knowledgeable Sun
person would be nice enough to respond.

o How is the mount/unmount handled?  Is root the only person allowed to
  mount a disc that is in the player?
o Is there a WORM or eraso-optical unit out on the market that will write
  a CD capable of being read by Sun's CD-ROM (if so - please point out who)?
o Our need for something like this is growing.  I would rather have a Sun
  supported drive since hopefully it will cut down on...  "Well, the driver
  worked until we upgraded to SunOS 4.8.3"

Thanks mucho in advance,

Kerien Fitzpatrick
Field Robotics Center
The Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Arpanet: fitz at

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