WingZ selection service problem

Alan J. Snyder asnyder at
Wed Apr 3 01:00:00 AEST 1991

> In a previous posting, I complained about Informix Wingz not working
> in the Sunview Compatibillity mode Under Open Windows 2.0.
> Mark Day was kind enough to send email letting me know what the problem
> is.  It turns out that Wingz is trying to use the Sunview Selection
> service, but that isn't started automatically under Open Windows.  The
> solution is to start the Sunview selection service myself manually.  It is
> important to remember to kill the Sunview selection service after you have
> terminated the Wingz program to avoid problems with multiple copies
> running.

You should not necessarily kill selection_svc upon exiting WingZ. Some
other sunview apps (e.g., Framemaker) will use selection_svc if it is
there and will then exhibit the same problems when it's killed.  I patched
my wingz startup script to start selection_svc if it's not running, but
ended up removing code ti kill it upon exit...

	#run the correct executable if it is there
	if ( "$dir" == "$fullpath" ) then
		set fullpath=../bin.$ARCTYPE/$prog
		set fullpath=$dir/../bin.$ARCTYPE/$prog
	if ( -f $fullpath ) then
+		if (`ps -ax | grep -c selection_svc` == "1" )  then
+			/usr/bin/sunview1/selection_svc &
+			set started_sel_svc
+		endif
		exec $fullpath $*
+	#	if ($?started_sel_svc) then
+	#		(set j=`ps -ax|grep selection_svc | head -1`
+	#		kill -1 $j[1]) >& /dev/null
+	#	endif
		echo "Cannot find $prog for your machine architecture: $ARCTYPE."
		echo "Looking for $prog in $fullpath."

- Alan Snyder
asnyder at

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