Calendar Manager - Freezing machines

Mark A. Gebert geeb at
Wed Feb 20 06:22:00 AEST 1991

We been experiencing problems with Calendar Manager locking the display
after using it for a little while. Basically after de-iconifying it and
trying to display a day, browse or hitting any button it freezes. 

In order to keep everyone's calendar sync we run cm off of one machine and
display it on all the rest. We use the following script:

rsh -n 'setenv  LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/itn/openwin/lib;\
setenv OPENWINHOME  /usr/itn/openwin; /usr/itn/openwin/bin/xview/cm' -display `hostname`:0 

Some days it behaves itself and works, other's it will lock on a few
machines and another it will lock on every single machine. We've seen this
happen under SunOS 4.1 and 4.1.1, and on SS2's, IPC's and SLC's. Also we
currently running SunOS 4.1, using X11R4 (patch level 18) and the motif
1.1 window manger.  We've also experienced this under openwin.

Thanks in advance,

 Mark A. Gebert                    | University of Michigan, Health Sciences 
 (geeb at              | Information Technology and Networking (ITN)

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