Why no comp.sys.ibm.r6000?

HAAS hh2 at prism.gatech.EDU
Sun Apr 21 01:26:58 AEST 1991

In article <=YF7H1!@linac.fnal.gov> shah at cdsun5.fnal.gov (Hemant Shah) writes:
>In article <1991Apr17.035222.18286 at midway.uchicago.edu> rtp1 at quads.uchicago.edu (raymond thomas pierrehumbert) writes:
>>I notice that this group (now that I've finally found it!) basically
>>serves the function of "comp.sys.r6000".  So why is it stuck under
>>unix?  We have comp.sys.hp, not comp.unix.HPUX, and comp.sys.apollo,
>>not comp.unix.DOMAIN.  What's the history here?  

Because AIX is not limited to the RS/6000.  It also runs on the IBM
370, RT, and PS/2s,

>>    Is anybody interested in establishing comp.sys.ibm.r6000 and
>>moving there?  
>Yes I am interested. I think it is necessary.

"Necessary"?? Why??
Basically, the large majority of those posting in comp.unix.aix
are RS/6000 owners. I don't see how the RS/6000 people can be
bothered by the few AIX 1.xx and 2.xx questions. The only people
that might have a real beef are the NON-rs/6000 folks. I, for one,
don't mind all the 6000 posts, as I can learn about Unix and AIX
from those, too.

I wouldn't mind having both a comp.sys.r6000 *AND* a comp.unix.aix.
But I don't see how it's "necessary", and until the traffic here
gets heavier, I don't think it's even NEEDED. I've had responses
to my posts about AIX 1.2 (PS/2) from Locus employees responsible
for 370 support, who've also answered RS/6000 questions! It seems
appropriate, then, that we are all grouped together.

Harry Haas                  |    Georgia Tech Research Institute
Research Engineer II        |    Georgia Institute of Technology
GTRI/RIDL/SB                |    Atlanta Georgia, 30332
hh2 at prism.gatech.edu        |    "What makes it DO that?!" - Bones
  Harry Haas  GTRI/RIDL/DB     "What makes it DO that!?" - Bones 
  Georgia Institute of Technology,        Atlanta Georgia, 30332
  uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!hh2
  Internet: hh2 at prism.gatech.edu         hhaas at gtri01.gatech.edu

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