Emacs Function Key Binding on RS/6000

Marc Hall marc at ladwp
Tue Feb 26 04:59:21 AEST 1991

 We have been attempting to determine what specific character sequences are
emitted by the the function keys f1-f12 on the IBM RS/6000 Model 320 when running
the emacs 18.56 in its own X window.

The character sequences that we see when a key is pressed in a scratch buffer are
of the form :
             f1 - 01q
             f2 - 02q
             f3 - 03q
              .    .
              .    .
              .    .
            f12 - 12q
      shift  f1 - 13q
      shift  f2 - 14q
              .    .
              .    .
              .    .
      shift f12 - 23q

   and so on,

There is a prefix to each of these character sequences which has causes a behavior
similiar to the C-g bell function. Does anyone know what this prefix is ?

 Marc Hall

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