Emacs Function Key Binding on RS/6000

Christopher T. Jewell chrisj at netcom.COM
Wed Feb 27 18:46:42 AEST 1991

In article <135 at ladwp.ladwp.com> marc at ladwp (Marc Hall) writes:
> We have been attempting to determine what specific character sequences are
>emitted by the the function keys f1-f12 on the IBM RS/6000 Model 320 when running
>the emacs 18.56 in its own X window.
>The character sequences that we see when a key is pressed in a scratch buffer are
>of the form :
>             f1 - 01q
[stuff deleted]
>There is a prefix to each of these character sequences which has causes a behavior
>similiar to the C-g bell function. Does anyone know what this prefix is ?

The way to see the whole sequence generated by a function key (or other
specialized keys such as PageUp and End) is to type a control-Q before
the function key, so that the leading Escape or whatever will be inserted
in the buffer, instead of being interpreted as a prefix.  I'm replying
from home so I cannot try it and tell you the exact result, but you'll
probably see something like
where the 123 will be different for each function key, but the Esc, [,
and q will be the same for all (or at least most) of those keys.

If you're looking to bind, for example, help to F1, you'll probably
have to first unbind M-[ from its usual meaning, backward-paragraph,
with a line like this in your .emacs file:
	(global-unset-key "\M-[")
(Section 28.6.2 of the Gnu Emacs Manual shows an example of something

What appears to the original poster as a bell function is probably
just Emacs complaining that the user has issued backward-paragraph
while the point is at the start of the buffer.  If he typed several
lines of text with interspersed blank lines, the F1 key would probably
jump to the blank line preceding the current paragraph  before
inserting the digits and the 'q'.

Chris   (Christopher T. Jewell)   chrisj at netcom.com    apple!netcom!chrisj

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