"emacs" terminfo--shell-mode in emacs

Bob Shair shair at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Wed Feb 6 03:45:51 AEST 1991

gmoff at ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz (Moffat) writes:

>Presumably this means 03.01.0001.0003 is what's colloquially known as 3001?
>We believe we need 3003 to run our 730 successfully, would this show as
>03.01.0003.yyyy?  What is the yyyy part?
>-Just a little curious
When we upgraded a 730 here to 3003, we were at 03.01.0003.0013;
applying additional maintenance took it to 03.01.0003.0018.
We've not yet enough experience to report stability.
Bob Shair                          shair at chgvmic1.iinus1.ibm.com
Scientific Computing Specialist    SHAIR at UIUCVMD (bitnet)
IBM Champaign

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