HELP! A/UX 2.0 and non-Apple Quantum harddrive

Brian Gilstrap gilstrap at
Sat Aug 25 00:09:47 AEST 1990

Question 1
The manufacturer of my harddrive is going to release their own partitioning
software which is compatible with A/UX 2.0 fairly soon, but in the mean
time I need to get A/UX 2.0 running on their drive.  It is a Quantum
100 meg device, and I seem to recall that it's possible to get the
Apple HD SC Setup program to format Quantum devices if it's fooled into
thinking it's an Apple Quantum device.  Does anyone know how I can go
about doing this?  I'd *GREATLY* appreciate any help.

P.S. Yes, I know that this is not recommended, and plan to use the 
manufacturer's partitioning software as soon as I get it.

Question 2
About how much space does A/UX 2.0 take up these days, with MacX tacked
on (I'm willing to not have on-line man pages and games)

Question 3
Very subjective:  How will A/UX 2.0 run on a MacII with 8 meg of memory and
a 12ms hard drive?

Brian R. Gilstrap
gilstrap at
gilstrap at

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