comments on building emacs-18.55

Darryl E. Marsee demarsee at gamera.acs.syr.EDU
Fri Aug 17 07:55:21 AEST 1990

>Wouldn't it be simpler to just get a copy of GCC and install it?  You *might*
>be able to get Emacs to compile with straight cc, but getting other GNU
>stuff to compile with cc may not be possible.  Besides, GCC's optimizer is
>a whole lot better than cc's...

 Well, I retreived gcc and got it to work, but now, another problem.
 While doing the emacs make, I get the following message:

 Warning: lisp library (/users/demarsee/lib/lisp) does not exist.
 Where /users/demarsee/lib is my LIBDIR.  Now, I go hunting for lisp,
 and I can't find it anywhere.  Is this something else I need to get
 from elsewhere, or is it just buried where I can't find it in some
 directory somewhere?

 Another question:  If you make private System Folders for each user,
 can they reside on an NFS volume?  I created a user whose home directory
 is on an NFS volume mounted as a directory under / (/home, to be precise),
 but issuing the systemfolder command just gets a

 Shared files ...
 find: getwd: can't open ..
 Private files ...
 find: getwd: can't open ..
 and, if I create a System Folder on the local disk, then copy it over
 to the NSF volume, issuing a Mac32 command just gets me a "Can't open
 Toolbox Environment" message and drops me back into the console, even
 though it looks like all the symbolic links are fine.  Anyone got an
 idea why I can't get a System Folder to work on an NFS volume?

Darryl Marsee
Syracuse University
<demarsee at>

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