commontex for aux

Richard Todd rmtodd at servalan.uucp
Thu Nov 22 15:50:13 AEST 1990

deleeuw at writes:

>There is one problem, however. CommonTeX dumps the formats as core
>images, which then have to be processed by undump. I do not have
>an undump for A/UX, and the one distributed with Unix TeX do not
>seem to work. Anybody who can help out ?

Hmm... I know of undump *routines* available for A/UX (i.e a subroutine to
dump the current process's address space and make it into a working 
executable) -- just grab it out of the Emacs source.  Don't know of an
undump program (one that takes a core file and produces an executable), though
a Sufficiently Clever Person could probably hack one out of the undump
subroutine.  You might want to check, though, and see if there's some way
you can run CommonTeX without having undumped executables.  I don't use 
CommonTeX -- I use the web2c TeX port from instead -- but
the people who work on that port claim that undumping doesn't really give an
advantage; it apparently isn't really much if any faster to run an undumped
executable than to run a standard "virgin TeX" and have it load in the .fmt
files that TeX itself can dump.  They concluded that it isn't really worth
the hassle of getting undump working on one's system if one wants to run
web2c TeX.  Unless something's drastically different about CommonTeX, I 
suspect the same would be true there...
Richard Todd	rmtodd at  rmtodd at
	rmtodd at servalan.uucp

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