A/UX concerns

Kevin Hegg kevinh at cmi.com
Sat Feb 16 00:25:39 AEST 1991

Mark Bartelt writes                                             
   My real concern is more general than just a complaint about A/UX's cc.
   I get the feeling that Apple doesn't really have much of a commitment
   to UNIX.  Ten or so years ago, DEC had a small (tiny!), but talented....

I am also concerned about Apple's commitment to Unix. They are very much 
behind the rest of the Unix community. The feeling I get from Apple these 
days is "Don't worry, we know whats best for you". That attitude is fine 
when you can keep pace with the rest of the community. However, over the 
last couple of years Apple seems less and less capable of doing this.  

Another concern I have is Apple's suppresion of information on Mach for 
the Mac. Here's what I have heard. CMU ported Mach to all Mac II's except 
the ci and fx. Apple took it from there and is possibly negotiating with 
mt. xinu for distribution rights. OK Apple, what are you going to do? Are 
we going to see a commercial product with Mach? If not, how about relaxing 
your stranglehold on Mach. 

I started using the Mac about 6 years ago because you could feel that it 
was going to have a strong impact on the computer world. It was fun to be 
involved with something that was towards the leading edge. I think a lot 
of people gravitated towards the Mac for this reason. I think a lot of 
people will gravitate away from the Mac if this ceases to be true. Solving 
problems that the rest of the Unix community has already solved doesn't 
top my list of fun things to do. I don't mean to make this an Apple 
bashing session. There are a lot of things that I like about Macs. I still 
use the Mac as my primary computer, but I find myself using other ones 
more and more.    

Kevin Hegg, EDS Corp - Center for Machine Intelligence
2001 Commonwealth Blvd., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105
Phone: (313) 995-0900  Internet: kevinh at cmi.com    Applelink: D5990

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