Project Planning and Mgmt Software Wanted

Andrew M. Cohill cohill at
Tue Sep 25 00:00:10 AEST 1990

If you are looking at project mangagement software for the Mac,
MacProject II is bound to end up on your list.  It does some things very
well--graphical interface, good flowcharts, ok timelines, moderately
sophisticated resource allocation and leveling.  However, it falls down
in what I feel is an absolutely critical area--reporting.  

It reproduces the graphical charts just fine, but tabular reports are
virtually impossible to print.  On every project with even two or three
people, you want to be able to print out a milestone/task list sorted by
project member, among other simple reports.  Forget it with MacProject
II.  I've taught PM professionally, and it appears to me that MacProject
was designed by a software person who read a book on project management,
not by someone actually acquainted with the details of PM.

Printed reports are usually much more useful than fancy on-screen
graphics; don't be fooled by a bunch of gee-whiz features that get in
the way of good solid information reporting.  

My guess is that Claris could care less about this product.  They made a
few cosmetic changes when Apple turned it over to them, and it's been
dead ever since. 

|          ...we have to look for routes of power our teachers never       
|              imagined, or were encouraged to avoid.   T. Pynchon          
|Andy Cohill         cohill at  VPI&SU            

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