Project Planning and Mgmt Software Wanted

John Meissen jmeissen at
Tue Sep 11 09:56:23 AEST 1990

The Oregon Advanced Computing Institute (OACIS) is looking for a project
planning and management system with the following capabilities:

1) The ability to specify "Task Work Units".  That is, we want to be able
to specify the time it takes to perform a task in man-months, man-weeks or
some other unit.  Then, depending on how many resources are assined to that
task, the system should automatically adjust the duration of the task.
MacProject II has this capability.

2) The ability to specify multiple precedence relationships accross sub-
projects.  Suppose I have a hierarchical structure in my project consisting
of multiple levels of sub-projects and tasks.  It may be required to set
precedence relationships between various tasks in different sub-projects.
SunTrack has this capability.

3) The ability to perform resource leveling with the constraints of the 
available resources, including allocating the percentage of time resources
are assigned to tasks.  Suppose I am designing a project in which there are
a number of people constituting a given resource.  I need to have the system
assign these resources to different tasks and possibly allocate the percentage
of time that this resource spends on given tasks.  The object is to minimize
the duration of the project, without exceeding the total resources allocated
for the project.  Presumably, if the desired schedule cannot be met, more 
resources can be allocated.

Thanks for any assistance.
Please reply via e-mail.

G. William Walster,
Research Director,
Computation and Algorithms,
fuddy at

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