Help with UUCP

hakanson hakanson at orstcs.UUCP
Fri Jan 2 06:50:00 AEST 1987

/* Written 12:03 pm  Dec 29, 1986 by kvancamp at ARDEC.a@brl-adm in comp.unix.ques */
/* ---------- "Help with UUCP" ---------- */
>   . . .
>   . . .
> I also tried 'Any,1' to force the minimum 
> retry time to be one minute, with the same results.  
/* End of text from orstcs:comp.unix.ques */

>From looking at the sources in 4.2bsd (and 4.3bsd, I presume), I found
that the minimum retry time is 5 minutes, even if you set it smaller.
I think the default was about 60 minutes, but I may have misremembered.
At any rate, this will probably be different on non-BSD uucp's....

Marion Hakanson         CSnet:  hakanson%oregon-state at csnet-relay
                        UUCP :  {hp-pcd,tektronix}!orstcs!hakanson

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