Unix Dictionaries

dave at sq.UUCP dave at sq.UUCP
Fri Jan 30 04:45:45 AEST 1987

In article <135 at vianet.UUCP> devine at vianet.UUCP writes:
>> In article <2828 at brl-adm.ARPA> dndobrin at athena.MIT.EDU writes:
>> >Does anyone out there know where the 4.x or System V dictionaries come from?
>In article <1987Jan22.110150.29415 at sq.uucp>, dave at sq.UUCP writes:
>> It makes me wonder too, when words like the following pass spell!
>> [list of misspelled words deleted]
>  Back around 1980 I wrote a spell check program for VAX/VMS.  To create
>the dictionary I first gathered 100's of files to get the words.  Later
>I copied the UNIX spelling list from a Version 7 machine.  That dictionary
>was *loaded* with many misspelled words!

The list of words that I posted above [deleted] are not contained
in /usr/dict/words they are probably generated by suffix/prefix
algorithms that spell(1) and kindred use. Note that the words
are found misspelled by SYS V spell(1). Sun Unix 3.0 spell is the
command under fire.

Another attribute about the words are that they are all words that
exist in the dictionary if rot13'ed.

This line :
I sbefbbx my zvyy before I dropped my fgnynpgvgr in the fbccvat stream.
rot13'd is:
V forsook zl mill orsber V qebccrq zl stalactite va gur sopping fgernz.
The first line passes spell.
The second catches fgernz gur orsber qebccrq.

					David R. Seaman
dave at sq.utoronto.bitnet

SoftQuad Inc. (home of sqtroff)
720 Spadina Ave
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