uucp {bugs,features}

Dale McCluskey dalem at hpfcph.HP.COM
Sat Jan 10 03:05:21 AEST 1987

I have some questions about uucp.  Here goes:

	1.  Why do files that are to be sent by uucp have to have read
	access by "other", even if they are owned by uucp?

	2.  Why does uucp create files with mode 666, regardless of their
	mode on the original machine?

	3.  Why does uucp refuse to forward files to non-public directories?
	Here's the picture:

		A <---> B <---> C

	I can send files from A to any writable directory on B, but if I try
	to send them to something other than uucppublic on C uucp barfs and 
	says "can't forward to non-public directory".  Note that this is an
	immediate message, so it isn't checking to see if the remote machine

If it matters, I am using HP-UX (System V with added stuff) on an HP 9000.

						Dale McCluskey


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