Eagles on sc41 controller on 4.2BSD vax with NFS

vax root at aber-cs.UUCP
Tue Jan 13 20:46:41 AEST 1987

WE are having problems using 'newfs' on some eagles
that we have just had delivered attached to an sc41 Emulex
controller. Any advice that can be offered will be gratefully
received. We have source and run our ra81's with slightly
different partioning to the standard uda.c driver layout.
In particular we use the d,e,f partitions to split up the
f partition rather than the useless definitions normally
available. A Simple question is ' how many sectors should
there be on our eagles' ?? I beleive the hardware is set
at 48 sectors per track.

UUCP : { ENGLAND or WALES }!ukc!aber-cs!dap
JANET: dap at uk.ac.aber.cs           PHONE:    +44 970 3111 x 3267	
Post: University College of Wales, Penglais, Aberystwyth, UK, SY23 3BZ.

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