Fortran-to-C compiler/grammar/translator needed

Wed Aug 3 04:38:47 AEST 1988

	we are interested in getting any one of:
	1) A YACC (or other, yacc preferred) grammer for a FORTRAN to C compiler
	2) A direct C implementation of such a compiler, or
	3) A program to do such compilation directly.
We have a machine that only has a C compiler, and we have a bunch of large
fortran programs that we'd like to run thereon, and avoid hand translation
if at all possible.
	The possibilities above are in order of preferrence; that is, if 
you have a yacc grammer, we'd like that most of all, and we *REALLY* prefer 
that it be Public Domain, or minimal cost.
	PLEASE send me mail DIRECTLY, rather than answering this post with
another post, since we don't subscribe to this group.
	thanks very much,
	chris sterritt
	sterritt%sdevax.decnet at	on arpanet
	csterritt				on GEnie

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