Booting 3b2/300 - Console Problem (Console Sticks)

Jonathan Scott Willard willard at usm3b2.EDU
Mon Oct 17 01:06:10 AEST 1988

	Recently when I boot up my AT&T 3b2/300 (running System V, 
Version 2.0.5) I have the following problem:

I see:

-> UNIX System V Release ... (all of this stuff)
.  (all of the other stuff like node name)
->	fsstat: root file system needs checking
->	The root file system (/dev/dsk/c1d0s0) is being chec

At this point the fsstat seems to hang.  The console does not respond at
all no matter what key I hit.  The cursor sits right on the column after 
the last c of the word checked.  The only way to get beyond this is to
turn my console off and then back on.  Id there anyway that I can cure
this frustrating behavior?

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