How can we store GB-TB on Unix disks ?

Christian J. Callsen chris at iesd.uucp
Sun Feb 19 02:00:45 AEST 1989

Does anybody know about Unix (or *nix) systems, which can
store 400 Giga-byte to 1 Tera-byte on disks  ?
(yes, that's right : GIGA-BYTES :-) ) !

Optical (WRMR's appreciated,  WORM's ok) and/or magnetical
combination ok !

Access time should be less than 500 msec !

Please, anybody who has detailed information respond.

Adresses of Europe Vendors would be appreciated.

Please respond via E-mail to :

Med Venlig Hilsen :	Chris J. Callsen	[ chris at ]
	&	  :	alias {uunet}...!mcvax!dkuug!iesd!chris (Chris)
Greetings From    :	- pedo mellon a minno ....

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