Directory management shell

Matthew D. Lewis matthew at uvabick.UUCP
Tue Feb 7 23:47:54 AEST 1989

Hello!  I am a Unix novice, so perhaps the answer to this question is 
well-known, but...

Is there such a thing as a directory management shell for a Unix system, 
something along the lines of the DOS shells?  I have a directory (or two :-)
full of text files which I need to sort out.  Something that would help make
this process less tedious would be appreciated.  

Thanks in advance.  E-mail or posting welcome, summary if justified.

Matthew Lewis, University of Amsterdam		Grote Bickersstraat 72
31-20-52 51 220					1013 KS  Amsterdam
UUCP:	mcvax!uvabick!matthew			The Netherlands
BITNET:	a717matt at hasara11			CIS:   [73717,3711]

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