Access to UNIX-Related Publications (diffs since last posting)

jsq at jsq at
Fri Jan 20 16:12:54 AEST 1989

*** publications.November	Thu Jan 19 23:56:42 1989
--- publications.January	Thu Jan 19 23:56:51 1989
*** 24,30 ****
  a low-budget operation:  I publish what I have on hand when the time
  comes (approximately monthly).
! Changes since last posting:  The FourGen UNIX Journal, root (InfoPro Systems).
  Access information is given in this article for the following:
  magazines:	CommUNIXations, UNIX REVIEW, UNIX/WORLD, UNIX Today,
--- 24,32 ----
  a low-budget operation:  I publish what I have on hand when the time
  comes (approximately monthly).
! Changes since last posting:  New address for C Users' Journal.
! Corrected address for Unique.  Corrected root address.
! Dr. Dobbs Journal of Software Tools.
  Access information is given in this article for the following:
  magazines:	CommUNIXations, UNIX REVIEW, UNIX/WORLD, UNIX Today,
*** 157,162 ****
--- 159,165 ----
  	Room 1K-424
  	101 J F Kennedy Parkway
  	Short Hills, NJ 07078
+ 	U.S.A.
  	$40/yr (US); $50/yr (overseas)
  	+1 201 564-2582
*** 167,172 ****
--- 170,176 ----
  	McGraw-Hill Inc.
  	Phoenix Mill Lane
  	Peterborough, NH 03458
+ 	U.S.A.
  	$22/yr (US); $25/yr(Mex,Can); $37/yr (surface); $69/yr (air,Europe)
  	+1 603 924-9281
*** 176,193 ****
  	The C Users Journal
  	``A service of the C Users Group.''
  	R&D Publications Inc
! 	PO Box 97
! 	McPherson, KS 67460
  	Eight issues per year
  	$20/yr (US/Mex/Can); $30/yr (overseas)
! 	+1 316 241-1065
  	Mainly DOS-oriented; some UNIX.
  	``The UNIX System Information Source.''
  	Infopro Systems
  	PO Box 220
  	Rescue, CA 95672
  	$79/yr (US,overseas); $99/yr (air)
  	+1 916 677-5870
--- 180,199 ----
  	The C Users Journal
  	``A service of the C Users Group.''
  	R&D Publications Inc
! 	2120 W. 25th St, Suite B
! 	Lawrence, KS  66046-9972
! 	U.S.A.
  	Eight issues per year
  	$20/yr (US/Mex/Can); $30/yr (overseas)
! 	+1 913 841 1631
  	Mainly DOS-oriented; some UNIX.
  	``The UNIX System Information Source.''
  	Infopro Systems
  	PO Box 220
  	Rescue, CA 95672
+ 	U.S.A.
  	$79/yr (US,overseas); $99/yr (air)
  	+1 916 677-5870
*** 215,226 ****
  	InfoPro Systems
  	PO Box 220
! 	Rescue
! 	CA 95672-0220
  	Telex: 151296379 INFOPRO
! 	fax: 916-622-9642
  The normal price of a one-year subscription to root will be $72.
--- 221,231 ----
  	InfoPro Systems
  	PO Box 220
! 	Rescue, CA 95672-0220
  	Telex: 151296379 INFOPRO
! 	fax: +1-916-622-9642
  The normal price of a one-year subscription to root will be $72.
*** 228,233 ****
--- 233,249 ----
  mention this USENET posting. This will be the lowest price available
  anywhere. The first issue of root will be available by the end of 1988,
  and probably at the Monterey Usenix workshop in November.
+ Steve Friedl provides this listing:
+ 	Dr. Dobbs Journal of Software Tools
+ 	M&T Publishing, Inc
+ 	501 Galveston Dr.
+ 	Redwood City, CA  94063
+ 	U.S.A.
+ 	+1 415 366 3600
+ 	Mostly DOS, some UNIX, quite technical
+ 	monthly, $29.97 per year
  The following information about bookstores was taken from the

Volume-Number: Volume 16, Number 9

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