history tricks...

Mike Khaw mkhaw at teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA
Thu Jan 5 16:22:42 AEST 1989

> <945 at cmx.npac.syr.edu> gefuchs at top.cis.syr.edu (Gill E. Fuchs):
>   1 -   how to redefine "foo" (anything else, that is) instead of
>         the "!" for the "YO UNIX, HISTORY COMMAND COMING UP"...

set histchars = \!\^	# is the default

>   2 -   if #1 works, how about defining something which will not
>         require a <ret> (ala up arrow in vms) to retrieve the last
>         command.   On the other hand, once i have the last command
>         up, i want to change a character and only then unleash it
>         with the appropriate <ret>

Not in vanilla csh.  There are variations like tcsh, ecsh and add-ons
like led and ile that will do that.  I think you have to be a source
licensee to be able to make use of the csh diffs for making tcsh (and
ecsh?).  Led and ile may be available from comp.sources.unix archives.

Mike Khaw
internet: mkhaw at teknowledge.arpa
uucp:	  {uunet|sun|ucbvax|decwrl|ames|hplabs}!mkhaw%teknowledge.arpa
hardcopy: Teknowledge Inc, 1850 Embarcadero Rd, POB 10119, Palo Alto, CA 94303

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