EBCDIC Editor/viewer for unix.

Jonathan I. Kamens jik at athena.mit.edu
Fri Jul 28 13:24:54 AEST 1989

  You can run the binary through dd with the option "conv=ascii" to
get it to convert all of the text in the file from EBCDIC to ASCII.  I
don't know what it will do with the binary portions of the file, but I
also don't know if that's important (if the machine you're doing this
on can't read the EBCDIC and deal with it, it probably can't run the
program either, so it probably doesn't matter :-).

  Just typing "dd conv=ascii infile outfile" will convert the EBCDIC
text in infile to ASCII text in outfile.

Jonathan Kamens			              USnail:
MIT Project Athena				432 S. Rose Blvd.
jik at Athena.MIT.EDU				Akron, OH  44320
Office: 617-253-4261			      Home: 216-869-6432

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