Socket question

Abdi Oday ugoday at sunybcs.uucp
Sat Mar 4 09:34:07 AEST 1989

In article <1006 at> icsu6000 at (Jaye Mathisen) writes:
>Everything works fine, except when I'm all done, or I get an error
>condition, I just want to blow the whole thing away and restart.  What I have
>so far is:
>  All the socket set up stuff
>  execute garbage, return answer
>  If error then
>    shutdown(socket,(int)2);
>    close(socket)
>    execve(argv[0],argv,envp);
>The execve executes, but the program bombs on the bind() call with
>an "address already in use" message.  How do I get this "address"
>released so I can restart it.  Or is execve the wrong call??
>Jaye Mathisen
>icsu6000 at

 I think what you want to do is queue thinks up on your socket.  In other 
 words, on the "listen" call, you tell it how many calls to queue up.


	     listen(socket, 10)

 will queue up 10 requests.  Otherwise after you close connection, it takes a
 while (sometimes 2 minutes ... I don't understand why) for a bind to work.

 Hope that helps


Abdi Oday                       Phone:     (716) 636-3004
University at Buffalo           BITNET:    ugoday at sunybcs.BITNET
				Internet:  ugoday at cs.Buffalo.EDU
UUCP: ...!{ames,boulder,decvax,rutgers}!sunybcs!ugoday

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